Monday, April 7, 2008

Laptop oh Laptop, where art thou??

Supergirlfriend has been looking forward to purchasing a brand new lappie for the past few months but either,

1) never seem to have time to buy it, OR

2) bad weather demotivating us to face a would-be jam-packed Bukit Bintang, OR

3) facing the problem of insufficient funds, OR

4) couldn't find the model we like

AND the worst reason of them all, we are both TOO LAZY to go over to Lowyat Plaza to buy it. Aiseh-man! Bad reason right?? I can't believe it either.
We've been delaying back and forth, even on our furniture shopping trip to IKEA. We were supposed to be dragging ourselves there to shop for a nice low coffee table and some kitchen utensils but... BUT...

I just hope we can finally get it all done this week. Pleeeeeeeeease!! :)


Anonymous said...

Buy from dell lor. Online shopping. He he...

Anonymous said...

There's the PC Fair going on at KLCC this weekend. =)

Supergirlfriend said...

Hi there will, yeah..I've thought about that too, but even so...the colour of the model I like is not available..hence, gotta wait. Which is rather demotivating really! hehe..

Zeroh, hmm..but I thought the things they sell in PC Fairs are exactly the ones in Lowyat?

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